Landlæknir og sóttvarnalæknir vilja árétta mikilvægi þess að nemendur í leik- og grunnskólum haldi áfram að sækja skóla þrátt fyrir takmarkanir á skólastarfi.
Smelltu hérna til að skoða er bréf frá sóttvarnarlækni og landlækni sem forráðamenn eru hvattir til að lesa.
Attached is a letter from epidemiologist and director of health regarding children in school and the covid-19 pandemic. It is in Icelandic but the main message to parents is this:
· Healthy children should carry on attending school. Learning is important for them as well as the routine, activity and stimulation that comes with attending school.
· The risk of infection among children is very little as research in Iceland and the other Nordic countries have shown. The likelihood of children carrying the virus is much less than among grown up people.